Why Your Rabbit Chews On Everything
It’s a commonly known fact that all rabbits enjoy chewing on anything within sight – chairs, beds, baseboards, rugs, etc. But how can you stop them from destroying everything around your home?
Click Here For a Guide to Understanding Your Rabbits Diet.

To ease them away from your furniture you have to know the reasoning behind their constant chewing.
The two main reasons for chewing are:
It’s natural behavior that helps keep them entertained along with combating any stress or anxiety they face.
Their teeth are constantly growing and in need of being trimmed down.
It’s a commonly known fact that all rabbits enjoy chewing on anything within sight – chairs, beds, baseboards, rugs, etc. But how can you stop them from destroying everything around your home?
To ease them away from your furniture you have to know the reasoning behind their constant chewing.
The two main reasons for chewing are:
It’s natural behavior that helps keep them entertained along with combating any stress or anxiety they face.
Their teeth are constantly growing and in need of being trimmed down.
Rabbit care is an ongoing process as they continue to grow and transition into different stages of life. While instinct and teeth growth are the main reasons behind chewing, there can also be psychological or environmental factors.
Chewing : Psychological Factors
A rabbit’s personality can have a strong impact on whether or not they chew on objects rather than their food. Rabbits that seem to enjoy chewing on objects are also known to be outgoing, affectionate, intelligent, and attention seekers. To help alleviate this behavior, the House Rabbit Society suggests getting a companion mate for your rabbit to keep them occupied if you are not able to play with them as much as you or they would like.
Your rabbit’s gender can also provide reasons for them to chew. It has been stated that female rabbits are more prone to chewing objects than male rabbits. To keep up with the proper rabbit care, once they hit maturity, it’s important to get them spayed or neutered. This can help to cut down on your rabbit’s tendencies to chew on objects around the house and might also help to calm your rabbit overall.
Chewing: Environmental Factors
Do you keep your rabbit in a cage? They are a great way to buy time in order to rabbit proof your house, but it’s not advised to keep a bun locked up throughout their life. Rabbits locked up get bored and can be easily stressed when not given room to roam.
It might be helpful to confine your rabbit to a room for a number of reasons like you’re out of the house or they’ve just been spayed or neutered, but they still need to let their energy out. This is why it’s critical that you let your rabbit out for a while and get some exercise.
Chewing Toys
To aide in proper care and help your rabbit’s development, it’s crucial that your rabbit is kept entertained. It’s a good idea to provide them with toys and objects to distract them from chewing unwanted items.
Did you know that hay is considered a good chew toy? Not only is it essential for your rabbit’s digestive health, but it also helps to maintain their dental health! For hay to be a good chew toy, you’ll need to purchase a Coarse Hay as they have the necessary roughage required to wear down their teeth.
All Natural Apple Chew Sticks are another great way to redirect your rabbit’s chewing. Apple sticks are not only delicious entertainment, but they also help to trim and wear down their incisors. Which helps to keep molar spurs from forming inside their mouth.
For more chew toys that are safe for your rabbit, click here.
Understanding how to care for your rabbit and why they constantly chew on random objects is very important. Be aware of the different psychological and environmental factors that could affect your furry friend and provide them with an array of toys to keep them happy and healthy throughout their life.

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