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Why Does My Guinea Pig Squeak When I Pet Him?

Guinea pigs are small creatures with cute vocalizations and actions. They can become your pet, companion, and even a member of a family. Guinea pigs behave in different ways and produce different sounds to show if they are happy, excited, sad, or angry. The sounds they make are used for communication with other guinea pigs and with humans. If you hear your guinea squeaking when you pet them, here are some of the possible meanings.

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Guinea pig sitting on grass

They Are Happy and Pleased

Guinea pigs have feelings too. They can be pleased, excited, cheerful, or content. Most often, they give a squeak of excitement when they recognize their favorite food. They’ll squeak if you give them a favorite treat like fruits, vegetables, or plants. It’s okay to give them treats on occasion to encourage their learning skills and good behavior.

Squeaking is also a way to show their affection. It can be a happy sound that guinea pigs make when you are feeding them from your hands, holding them, or cuddling with them. It is possible to say that guinea pigs squeak when they see their favorite person.

They Are Asking for Food

Squeaking is also a sound that guinea pigs use to say they’re hungry. If your little furry friend hasn’t eaten in a while, they won’t hesitate to remind you. There are also some guinea pigs that are hungrier than others and will start squeaking every time they see you because they’re demanding food. Make sure that you refresh their favorite grass hay that is located their hutch or free-range play area! That way they’ll always have something healthy and tasty to eat.

They Are Feeling Aggressive or Irritated

Irritation and aggression are quite common among guinea pigs. They can be temperamental and aren’t shy about expressing their feelings. One of the ways to express them is squeaking. If you’re not sure whether squeaking is caused by feelings of aggression and irritation, there are ways to tell.

When guinea pigs are mad and angry, they squeak very loudly. They can also purr, just like a cat, to express their aggression. Another sign of aggression is the demonstration of the teeth. Guinea pigs also often fidget around their cages and toss their heads when they’re not happy.

They Are Asking for Help

Your guinea pig considers you a safe place. It trusts you and always tries to find comfort in being around you. Your little furry friend knows that you’ll help and protect them. If your guinea pig is in trouble, it will notify you about it with a squeak.

It might be in pain, or something is making it feel uncomfortable. Maybe, you’re squeezing your guinea pig too hard or petting him in the area that’s hurting.

Squeaking can also be an indicator of a health problem in some cases. Your pet may have diarrhea, infection, or other health issues. If it’s always squeaking when you pet it, it’s better not to ignore it and take your little four-legged friend to the vet.

They Are Scared

Sometimes, guinea pigs squeak in fear. This is how they tell you they’re scared and grab your attention. Your guinea pig may even fear you. If this is the case, you must earn your pet's trust first. If you have just brought your guinea pig home, you should give them time to adjust to you and the new environment. Be patient - it might take a while.

Guinea pigs are unique animals with a variety of feelings and emotions. Their every squeak has a certain meaning. Guinea pigs have different personalities, so they can squeak for different reasons. If you hear your pet guinea pigs squeaking, try to analyze the way they’re doing it. It might take time for you to learn how to distinguish different types of squeaks.

The best thing you can do is to always listen to your furry friend and show your affection, and soon you will notice you can easily communicate with your pet.