What Does It Mean When Your Rabbit Nudges You?
Your sweet little bunny runs over to you and nudges her head on your leg. You think to yourself, “oh no big deal—it’s just love.” But then she does it again, with even more force this time. That little stinker! Why does she keep ramming her head at you? You already fed her and show her plenty of love. What gives?
Click Here For a Beginners Guide to Rabbit Care.

Rabbits can’t speak, so they often use body language and sounds to indicate what they want. If your rabbit does a certain body movement or makes a sound don’t ignore it because it could mean something.
Think about how a baby cries; normally they aren’t doing it for just no reason.
It often indicates they are either hungry, upset, tired, cold, etc. Rabbits and other animals are essentially the same when it comes to this type of communication between animals and humans.
While many sounds and body movements that rabbits do are easy to interpret, nudges are not. If you hear your rabbit scream, there is obviously something wrong! But a rabbit nudging me can mean many different things.
We’d like to share a great resource we found when it comes to knowing what it mean when your bunny nudges you. Read below for more information.
What Does It Mean When My Rabbit Keeps Nudging Me?
Posted by Mom.Me
"Look At Me!"
If you're quietly and peacefully watching television and minding your own business only to notice your bunny nudging her tiny nose onto your leg, it's possible that she's not so discreetly demanding your undivided attention. The little cutie sees you giving all of your concentration to something else and wants all of the focus on herself right now. It may just be time for a cuddly petting session.
"You're Blocking My Path!"
If your rabbit's nudging is rather forceful, then she may be telling you in plain language that she wants you away form her field of vision, at least for a little while. You may be interfering with her easy access to her favorite yummy treats -- think wee bits of fresh apple, for instance. If your mere existence is physically blocking your pet rabbit from easily and quickly getting from point A to point B, then her nudge may be her way of telling you that. "Scram, owner!"
"Fancy Meeting You Here!"
A rabbit nudge can mean something as simple as a basic courteous "hello." If you walk up to your bunny's living quarters only to see her pressing her face up against the cage, she's very likely saying hello to you. These kind of friendly nudges are generally softer and lighter than ones with more urgent meanings -- such as those that indicate the desire to be left alone.
[Continue Reading Original Article for Other Meanings]
Understanding rabbit communication is a big part of being a caring rabbit owner. Curious about other rabbit basics that are important to know to keep your little one happy and healthy? Download our Rabbit Starter Kit today and get access to our rabbit term glossary and more!

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