A Typical Day With Your New Pet Rabbit: A Guide
Pet rabbits come in all shapes and sizes. You're a typical pet person; the reality is that you fell in love with your rabbit because it was the most adorable, fluffy creature you'd ever seen. I met a rabbit named Ernie a few days ago and instantly fell in love. So soft, so cuddly, so cute! How could anyone not want a pet rabbit? But while we think rabbits are amazing, it's essential to know that there are good, bad, and ugly parts to pet ownership. Rabbits are no different.
Click Here For a Beginners Guide to Rabbit Care.

Daily Routine
Owning a rabbit involves establishing a routine; some things will quickly become second nature. Here's what a typical day in the life of a rabbit owner looks like:
7:00 am - Morning cuddles with Fluffster (as you've lovingly named your rabbit). You smile, feeling grateful for such a sweet pet, even though Fluffster might be more interested in food than your affection.
7:10 am - Cleaning out Fluffster’s cage. It's not the best part of the day, but keeping things fresh is necessary. Using Ultra Absorbent Bedding can make this task easier. Meanwhile, Fluffster happily explores the house, probably searching for something new to chew on.
7:45 am - After getting ready for work, it's time to round up Fluffster and put him back in his cage. Of course, Fluffster has other ideas. You call for him, but he doesn't come. After searching every room, you find him under the couch, looking as innocent as ever. You quickly scoop him up and dash out the door, just in time.
5:15pm - Finally, home after a long day at work. You're eager to see Fluffster again. He's excited, too, bouncing around the room and hopping onto the couch next to you. It's a peaceful moment, a reminder of why you love having him in your life.
7:00pm - After dinner, it’s playtime again. But when you enter the room, you spot the aftermath of Fluffster's latest adventure—your computer power cord is chewed to pieces. Last week, it was your earbuds, and now it is this! Frustrating, right? But with his little button nose and long silky ears, how can you stay mad for long?
What Your Rabbit Wants You to Know
As a rabbit owner, you'll notice that your rabbit has unique communication methods. From ear positions to hopping patterns, rabbits "talk" in their language. Here are some common rabbit behaviors, as shared by Rabbit Advocates, that will help you understand your bunny better:

Ears forward - "What's that?"
Ears back - "I don't like that," or "I'm resting."
Nose nudge - "Pet me now!"
Foot thumping - "Something is wrong!" or "Leave me alone."
Tooth clicking - "I'm content and happy!" (This is your rabbit's version of purring.)
Recognizing these signs will make life easier for you and your rabbit. You'll know when they're feeling relaxed, anxious, or playful, and you'll strengthen the bond between you.
You Know You're a Rabbit Owner When...
Rabbit owners quickly develop an understanding of their furry companions and their quirky habits. Here are a few tell-tale signs you've fully embraced the rabbit life:
You know what a binky is (and it's not something an infant sucks on).
You've lost more than one power cord to their relentless chewing.
You have to hide all your wires and cables.
You've joined online forums or social media groups to connect with other rabbit lovers.
You buy your rabbit gifts for birthdays, Christmas, or just because.
Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of rabbit ownership!
The Ups and Downs of Owning a Rabbit
Like any pet, rabbits have their challenges. They don't always come when called and aren't as trainable as dogs. But with patience, you can minimize issues like chewing by closely monitoring your rabbit and providing toys to keep them entertained. And, yes, it's a good idea to keep them in a spacious cage while you're away.
Another thing to remember is that rabbits are social animals. They naturally prefer the company of another rabbit over humans. While they may not form the same deep bond with you as a dog might, understanding this helps set realistic expectations. You'll enjoy their company even more, knowing what to expect.
Rabbit Care Tips for New Owners
Learning the basics quickly is helpful for new rabbit owners. Knowing how to handle rabbit care, like setting up a proper cage, providing a good diet, and offering plenty of attention, will set you on the right path. We've put together a Rabbit Starter Kit to help you navigate the joys and challenges of owning a rabbit. You'll find information on rabbit behaviors, terms every owner should know, and a guide for setting up a rabbit first aid kit.
Final Thoughts
Life with a rabbit is filled with joy and frustration. Still, ultimately, the love and companionship they offer are well worth it. Whether it's playing with Fluffster after work or laughing at his antics, you'll never regret bringing a rabbit into your home. And don't worry—if Fluffster chews through one too many cords, at least you know you're not alone!

Fun and Unique Names for Rabbits

Healthy Rabbit Treats for Hoppy Pets